A port of Adafruit Cartoon Network MakeCode: Garnet's Palm Gems from Steven Universe to Circuit Python for this CPX project. Originally a small project as part of Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam a few years ago.


Learn how to create Garnet's fusion from Ruby and Sapphire using Circuit Playground Express! This is a solo Circuit Playground Express gem that transforms colors.

What you will need

This project uses CircuitPython, you will need to update your Circuit Playground Express Bootloader

And then you need to install the latest version of CircuitPython.

You will need an editor, recommend to download and install Mu Editor.

When you open the Mu Editor, it will pick up your Circuit Playground Express, and you can open and edit code on the Circuit Playground Express.

Download or copy the code from main.py, save it.

  • The neopixel lights should have one half in blue and the other half in red.
  • Press "a" button and it will change of the neopixels to pink and play the Steven Universe theme song.
  • Press "b" button and it will change from pink to sparkles, make some bleepy noises before turning back to blue and red neopixels.

Enjoy! Any questions, email vicky@codinggrace.com.


The original post by John Park - MakeCode: https://learn.adafruit.com/cartoon-network-makecode-garnet-s-palm-gems-from-steven-universe?view=all#codeing-in-makecode

Published 28 days ago
Tagscircuitpython, electronics, maker, python


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